Today I had so much fun! I took my little granddaughter, Daisy, to a sewing workshop with Miss Stitch. It was a half-term workshop for children ages 6 and above. The organiser supplied all the materials and she and a helper gave the most patient and caring instruction to each and every child. And I was pleasantly surprised to see how well each child did. Obviously, some were slightly more skillful than others, but they all really enjoyed themselves.
In Daisy’s workshop there were seven children, ages 6 to 8. The organisers had the felt pieces cut before hand, with some examples made up, and then the children chose which of the felt animals they wanted to make: rabbit, owl, bird, or monster (okay, so that one wasn’t an animal!), and also chose the colours of felt, thread, etc.
The children just tucked right in and got to work. It was amazing! Here’s Daisy with her finished bunny, which she proudly named “Floppy”. The nose turned out a bit crooked, but Daisy didn’t mind and said it was just a “twitchy” bunny nose! She did all the stitches herself, which was no small feat for a seven year old.
One little boy in the class made an owl and he (the boy) just whizzed through it, with beautiful stitches, and was one of the first to finish.

I’ve blurred his face as I forgot to ask for permission from his parent, who told me that the boy was very artistic and did lots of drawing and painting as well. I think he was about eight years old.
If anyone is interested in workshops like this, I can highly recommend Miss Stitch. She also does birthday parties. This workshop was very well-organised, the children had a lovely time, and Daisy was so proud of her bunny. And I was so proud of her!