I honestly wonder where all this stuff came from! I’m just amazed at how I had it all (and a bit more…. I’ve done a lot of clearing out) jammed into a smaller room and only a part of that room. I suppose it’s no surprise that I’d really lost a lot of enthusiasm for crafting because I could never find anything! Now I’ve discovered all kinds of fun things that I’d forgot about. It’s almost like Christmas…. the only downside is that my poor long-suffering husband keeps insisting — and I agree, for now — that I shouldn’t buy any new supplies or magazines or books for a long, long time.
Well, it’s all beginning to shape up, as day by day I make a bit more progress. Here are some photos taken a couple of days ago. I’ve made good progress today but didn’t take any photos. I will… and I really do appreciate all the encouraging and kind comments.

These are the Ikea Expedit shelves, which since this photo are now totally filled. I bought two of the 4 by 4 shelves, one of the 4 by 2 shelves (this one on casters so can be easily moved around.

In this photo it’s easier to see the red box inserts. I got five of them. At first I thought it might have been a mistake as they’re really deep and things are going to be jumbled inside, but they are really brilliant for odd-shaped and odd-sized items. I seem to have a lot of these kinds of items for some reason. I bought four of the straw baskets at a shop in Herne Bay. They’re lined with the nicest red and white fabric. Are you beginning to see a plan here (i.e. red and white)?

As I mentioned, I’ve since moved a lot of things around and added more so will take more photos tomorrow. I’ve brought two tall bookcases from the old craft room to hold books and magazines. Yes, I’m a hoarder, but honestly I’ve thrown out so many old magazines. It made me sad but I just can’t keep everything. I spent quite a bit of time going through them one by one today and having a real struggle with nostalgia. Some of those magazines were from 2003! My goodness how scrapbook styles have changed, and some of the magazines aren’t even in existence anymore. I’ve even culled my books!
At least now things are better organized/organised: art journaling and mixed media, scrapbooking, cardmaking, and (at the other side of the room) sewing, including patchwork. Now I’ll be able to find things when I’m looking. And the bonus is that I know what I’ve got!!!
The only thing I’m not sure about is the trolley. I thought I ordered this one (Ikea Raskog):

but instead I got this one (Ikea Bygel – half the price of the Raskog):

It’s not bad… just different. It holds a lot and has a little drawer at the top but only two wheels. Ah well…. for the price (£25), I can live with it. One thing I thought I’d be able to get rid of are all the plastic drawers I’ve been using, but it looks like I’ll be keeping those for awhile yet. I’m just so ready to get it all sorted to the point I can do some craftwork in here.
One thing I’ve come to realize/realise (US/UK spelling) is that I don’t really NEED all those magazines. Since I got a Pinterest account, if I want inspiration I only need to look through the boards I follow or my own. Pinterest is just amazing and I can’t stop “collecting” the pictures. All I can say is that there are some incredibly talented people out there, from literally all over the world. Isn’t it amazing how it seems to be a universal human instinct to want to better our little corner of the world? Our homes, our families, ourselves? Whether it’s recipes, home decor, crafts, even pets. I just love it.