Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Every Cloud.....

Yes, this COVID-19/Corona virus is a very dark and dense cloud, but even it has a slight silver lining for some of us. Crafters and writers are finding a little extra time to ply their craft. Here in England, the government has asked that anyone with a sniffle, or anyone over 70, or anyone with underlying health issues, does "self-isolation" for up to 12 weeks! Yikes! I doubt that many of us can last that long without going bonkers, but a few weeks will give us a little time to play. Our churches are closed, along with cinemas, pubs, some restaurants, sports clubs, and more.

As for me, I plan to rediscover some of my supplies and put them to use making cards, perhaps a scrapbook page or two, and also just getting some reading done. I've finally got my craft room sorted enough to do a little work:

Obviously I still have a long way to go, but considering I went from a large cabin to a smallish bedroom, I feel pretty satisfied.

Unfortunately, I had to give up my work table as there is no possible way to squeeze it in. However, I found a sort-of-solution: a folding table:

It's not as large as my work table was, but it's really big enough. When it's not in use, it folds flat and stacks against the wall. It's very sturdy and just the right height. I'll just use it in the middle of the room, which will give me enough room (barely) to get around it to get my supplies out. Hey ho...we make do with what we've got, don't we? I got this from Amazon...as we do!

Now, to get to work!


Wednesday, 11 March 2020

New Craft Digs!

I really must  change that photo in the header...we've just moved and (sob!) I don't have my lovely craft cabin anymore. I've squeezed everything into a bedroom in our new house. It's not all bad, however. I found with the cabin (and British weather) I just went into the cabin less and less. Now that I'm in the house and my computer is here in the craftroom also, I'm spending more time in here. It's been a couple of weeks getting organized (that's "organised" with an "s" for my UK readers) but I'm nearly there. I'll take some photos soon but it's still a work-in-progress at the moment!

One of the benefits of the move is that in packing and unpacking, I've discovered supplies I'd forgot I had, and some that I still have to scratch my head and wonder what it is and what I have to do with it! Of course, this is about 16-17 years of collecting, so it's no small matter. When I started in card-making, all my supplies fit into a large shoe box. Then I met some wonderful crafting friends (we still meet up monthly after more than 12 years) and we started attending craft shows, sharing tips, feeding each other's craft envy, trying new techniques... and craft supplies just seemed to multiply exponentially. If you're a crafter, you know how that happens.

So here's a taste of what I've been doing for the move:

I'm getting there, slowly but surely. It won't be as neat as my old craft cabin but maybe it's as good or better as far as getting me to actually work in it! Please watch this space if you're interested.